Carolina Plescia is an Associate Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Vienna. With a project funded by the Austrian Science Foundation, she is studying the consequences of coalition compromises on public opinion. In addition, she is responsible
for the DeVOTE project, ERC Grant funded by the European Union. Her research interests range from public opinion, electoral behaviour and experimental methods to the role of data in democratic processes.
Francesco Zucchini is full Professor in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan. His research interests include electoral behaviour, law-making, representation and courts. He has published in European Union Politics, Political Science Research and Methods, West European Politics, European Journal of Political Research, European Political Science Review, Public Choice, Southern European Society and Politics and Constitutional Political Economy, Italian Political Science Review. In 2013 he published a book on the Italian political system "La Repubblica dei veti (Milano, Egea)". He has been the director of the PhD program in Political Studies at Università Statale di Milano and he is currently a member of the steering committee of the Italian Political Science Association.
C. Plescia e F. Zucchini Perché la promessa di un governo davvero nuovo ci rende meno fedeli a un partito
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