Francesco Zucchini is full Professor of Positive Political Theory in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Milan. His research interests include electoral behaviour, law making, representation and courts. He has published in European Union Politics, Political Science Research and Methods, West European Politics, European Journal of Political Research, European Political Science Review, Public Choice, Southern European Society and Politics and Constitutional Political Economy, Italian Political Science Review. In 2013 he has published a book on the Italian political system "La Repubblica dei veti (Milano, Egea)". He has been director of the Ph.D program in Political Studies at Università Statale di Milano and he is currently member of the steering comittee of Italian Political Science Association.
Francesco Zucchini It's easier to blame someone for what happened than to be grateful for something that didn't happen. Those who govern know it all too well. That's why the virus is winning
Since 2014, votes in favor of anti-establishment parties have raised. But it's not all about the economic crisis
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